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The perfect workout

So you want to gain some muscle? That's good! but you don't have a plan? ever heard the quote "failing to prepare is preparing to fail?

So you head to the gym looking to toss the mum tum/dad bod look for a more lean, mean, tasty machine look, that would be epic but and it's a big a Kimmy k but......... How to make it happen!

Well, you have a few options either:

*Train with me for a live 1-1 and get results safely.

*Do the Train Like Me on this website and have access to a bespoke custom programme with videos attached of how to do each exercise to make sure you get the gains safely!

*Watch a YouTube video of some wannabe influencer and wreck yourself.

*Read this entire post and see how to programme your workout optimally to get the best GAINZ out of it!

So The Programme:

Depending on the body part it will have either a main press movement or a main pulling movement these movements are typically a compound exercise like a Bench Press or a pull-up, once this has been put in then add some accessory movements like a lateral raise or chest flies this will compliment your compounds perfectly!

Below is an example of compound and accessory movements.

Compounds. Accessory.

Military Press. Side Lateral Raise.

Bench Press. Cable Flies.

Pull Up. Stiff Arm Lat Pulldown.

Bent-Over Row. Face Pulls.

Squats. Leg Extensions.

Deadlift. Hamstring Curl.

Depending on your goal and the way you like to train ie lift heavy more powerlifting specific rep range or a more high volume muscular endurance type rep range, which in my opinion you should be using both rep ranges to get the optimal results.

Then you have the angle to help emphasise the part of the muscle getting worked, like an Incline press to hit the upper chest or pectoral minor, so with this, all being said have fun writing up your programme, please make sure you're doing the exercise safely!

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