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Fat Burners

Do they work and are they worth it.

In short, yes.


They are not a miracle cure!

They will only make you lose weight if you are in a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than you burn)...... Guess what? You will still lose weight with or without fat burners provided you remain in a deficit.

Are they worth it?

In a way, yes, if you are like me when dropping those inches around the waist, you will start feeling:

* Lethargic

* Motivation Loss

* Strength Loss

* Loss in sex drive ( I know! )

Dieting Down Can Be Horrible!

Although, do not let this dishearten you! it is only horrible when you are trying to get really lean, sub 10% body fat lean.

Why They Work:

Most fat burners work well as they are filled with my favourite poison of all, the all-mighty stimulant these stimulants can range from caffeine all the way to ephedrine and banned DMAA (yes some fat burners still have these in them) STILL!

When you are dieting down and feel lethargic that tub of capsule gold can and will give you the energy to smash your workout even while you are running on fumes.

Do I recommend using them:

No, they really are not necessary while they work, it is not worth the risk as most of the ingredients in these fat burners have some risky side effects.

My own experience:

I have tried cutting (dropping body fat) with fat burners and without, while the cut with fat burners was not as bad as the cut without, it didn't really make much difference they both made me feel horrible. Although I looked ripped!

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